
Thursday, 19 July 2012

Up Beat and Down Dale - launch day

Today is launch day for Up Beat And Down Dale, the fifth in the series of the Mike Pannett books I've been working on. This could be the end of the road for these Yorkshire books - although the photo essay provisionally entitled Mike Pannett's Yorkshire is due to be published in the autumn of 2013. The photographer John Potter ( is out and about right now, taking pictures of sites that relate to the stories. I guess I'll be working on text some time next year.

Meanwhile, we wait for our agent to find a publisher for the books dealing with Mike's time in London's Metropolitan Police.

Other news: Chainsaw Phil tells me that we're within an ace of getting Toad's Road-Kill Cafe out on kindle. Expect three or four more days' delay, though. He's off to South Yorkshire this morning to work on a restoration project: a 1927 Austin 12.

Me? I'm off to get my eyes tested - and doubtless part with a chunk of money.

Ah yes - money. The grasping legal team I mentioned yesterday have charged us £750 to assert that the latest book cointains nothing defamatory. Never asked our permission; dismissed our assurances that every name and location had been altered; never mentioned charges. We will fight them. On the beaches if necessary.

1 comment:

  1. Where do we storm the fargin' barstiges?


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